Today is Thanksgiving. I know folks who are practicing gratitude each day this month, a practice I’ve done before. I don’t need to do that this year because the gratitude comes easily this year.
Let’s face it, the second half of this year has been shit for me. If you’re offended by that word, then I hope you’d also be offended by the reason it is that way (and if you’re reading this without knowing, read this). But for all the shit, there’s been some real beauty too.
Every day, I give thanks for the people surrounding me. For my friends who came to the house when I called that June day and then stayed with me until my family showed up. For my family who all came as soon as they could – traveling across the country to be with me less than 24 hours later. For the numbers of people who have written notes, sent texts, called, sent food, taken me out, and still continue to pester me. For my congregation, they have supported me through this, embodying what it means to be the body of Christ. For all those who have not forgotten and those who ask me questions about Brady – it’s nice to tell stories and to remember him. Chances are, since you’re reading this, you’re one of the people I’m thankful for.
Most of all, I’m thankful for Brady and for the time we had together. I am who I am in part because of him and I am grateful for his love.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Image by Heather. Used under Creative Commons License.