Category: NaNoWriMo


The image to the left is one of my favorite t-shirts. I ordered it from Woot years ago and wear it frequently. While the shirt is titled “Death Cares about Life,” I like to think about it as “There is no new life without Death.”

This little t-shirt design nicely sums up a good deal of my theology. That we must have death before we can get to resurrection – something we people tend to be terribly uncomfortable with.

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Time to Write

Every now and again I fancy myself a writer.

Saturday night was one of those moments.

It dawned on me, as I sat on our couch, watching a TV show I love, that I love to tell stories, especially good ones. I also realized Saturday night that it was the end of October and that meant November was hours away, bringing with it National Novel Writing Month. As soon as that thought popped into my head, I immediately pondered participating.

Every now and again I fancy myself a writer.

And then I wake up and realize I’m not terribly committed to the whole endeavor and that I have no real good ideas for a novel.

Which is exactly why I’m not doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short).

But the idea appeals to me. I do want to write more. And what’s really cool about NaNoWriMo is the set length of time and the standards that are set. The goal is to write 50,000 words (or a short novel) during the month of November. I can do anything for a month and having a goal for each day (or week) seems like a great way to coax my fingers into putting more digital letters on the screen.

So, I thought, instead of writing a novel this month, I’ll just write more. And by more, I intend to write a blog post at least three times a week. I want to get myself into a rhythm and to be able to give anyone who may find this space more regular content. In the meantime, I am working on an idea for a novel so that next November, in 2016, I will really participate in NaNoWriMo.

Every now and again I fancy myself a writer – and for the month of November, I suppose I will be.

© kate davidson 2020